Final NOURICITY workshops in Ghana, August 17th – 18th 2022

The two days of the workshop were dedicated to local stakeholders of the urban food system, especially those actors involved in policy making and implementation, and with a strong regard for the factors that determine food quality and safety.

The first workshop aimed at collaboratively designing a partnership for improved urban nutrition, which was structured around the three critical issues of regulation – which includes the monitoring and enforcement of national guidelines and the licensing of food retailers, service delivery – referring to the hard and soft infrastructure needs for the optimal operation of urban food markets, and the cross-cutting issue of education – where the inclusive delivery of information and training of people involved in the urban food system takes a prominent role.

On the second day, NOURICITY researchers presented the main results of their analysis. These were structured at the level of the targeted segments of the urban food system:

  • the retailers active on the open markets, their understanding of food quality and safety and the barriers, constraints and opportunities shaping their behaviour in that respect; 
  • the urban households, who mostly source their fresh food from these open markets in Ghana, and their preferences underpinning their food purchasing behaviour

With many prominent actors from the main public institutions responsible for food and nutrition in Ghana present at the meeting, the discussion of the results was lively and strongly related to the mechanisms for improved cross-sector collaboration. This final scientific workshop has highlighted how the project’s results provide a roadmap for improved urban nutrition in Ghana. NOURICITY is very grateful for the participation of so many and for sharing their expertise.

Ghanaian Times, August 20, 2022
Ghanaian Times, August 20, 2022
Business & Financial Times, August 23, 2022
Daily Graphic, August 26, 2022